Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with S.T.Coleridge Quote on Advice

Samuel Taylor Coleridge is right. Sometimes when we get advice from people who are so pushy, we tend not to listen to them, but when the advice is given in a nice, not so intrusive way, the more we think of it and the more we take it to heart. I hope you like this inspirational wallpaper.

Inspirational Wallpaper with Thomas Aquinas Quote on Faith

This inspirational wallpaper reminds me of my childhood days when we called this plant 'wishes'. We called it such because there's a superstition that if you caught one, you should make a wish and blow it away. When it's blown away and does not stick to anything, your wish would come true. Now, every time I would see wishes, I think I'll also remember this Thomas Aquinas quote.^^

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Helen Keller Quote on Optimism

Helen Keller's one of the people who are truly inspiring. Despite everything she'd been through, she still became such an optimist and therefore succeeded. May this inspirational wallpaper give you the same optimism she had.

Inspirational Wallpaper with Helen Keller Quote on Beauty

This inspirational wallpaper and Helen Keller quote go well together. Like what Keller said, the most beautiful things can't be seen or touched, just like the scenery shown in this photo.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Anatole France Quote on Dreams

This inspiring quote by Anatole France is one of my favorite quotes. It really inspires me to reach out for my dreams. May this inspirational wallpaper have the same effect on you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with R.W.Emerson Quote on Beauty

I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson. Beauty is the way we see things, not what we see. May this inspirational wallpaper remind us of that.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with W.A.Ward Quote on Dreams

This William Arthur Ward quote is really inspiring. It makes me realize that no dream is too big to get. May this inspirational wallpaper be your personal reminder to not stop dreaming and achieving.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Grellet Quote on Life

I hope that this inspirational wallpaper featuring a very meaningful life quote remind us to cherish every moment of our lives and live each of those moments to the fullest by helping other people in whatever way we can.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Albert Einstein Quote on Greatness

This Albert Einstein quote gave me confidence to do what I want to do. Many times I get disheartened especially when people I expect to support me don't seem to understand and appreciate what I do. I guess I should continue and in due time, perhaps, I will not be unappreciated. This inspirational wallpaper's theme is art because most of the time, artists get discouraged when their art is misunderstood. I should know.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper entitled Serenity Prayer

Many times, we tend to change things and hope to change people as well, and when we don't get the results we hoped for, we get disappointed. May this prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr be the same prayer we have. May this inspirational wallpaper be our light house in guiding our way.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Proverb About Trials

This Chinese proverb is very true. May this inspirational wallpaper remind us of that truth so that we'll be able to accept and cope with our trials better.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Oprah Winfrey Quote

This Oprah Winfrey quote is something we can all learn from. All of us have light within us but most of the time, it is just kept inside. May this inspirational wallpaper help us shine that light within us and on others.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper entitled Faith

Faith can really drive us to success. We only need to believe. Like the birds in this inspirational wallpaper, may we also soar someday to achieve the impossible.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with J.Marine Quote on Challenges

I totally agree with Joshua J. Marine's inspirational quote. If we don't encounter any challenge in our life, we won't be able to do anything. Challenges make us better people. Hopefully, this inspirational wallpaper would remind us of that fact.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with Drew Barrymore Quote on Beauty

This quote by Drew Barrymore is very true. No one is born perfect, knowing everything at once. We all need to morph in order to become a better version of ourselves. When we feel like ugly caterpillars, may this inspirational wallpaper remind us we're not going to stay in that phase forever. We have a chance to become beautiful butterflies. Let's take that chance.

Street Fighter Ken Pictures

Street Fighter Ken Pictures
Street Fighter Ken Pictures
Street Fighter Ken
Street Fighter Ken
Street Fighter Ken ryu wallpaper
Street Fighter Ken ryu wallpaper

Killzone 2 Pictures

Killzone 2 Pictures
Killzone 2 Pictures
Killzone 2 ps3
Killzone 2 ps3 games pics
Killzone 2 wallpapers
Killzone 2 wallpapers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inspirational Wallpaper with A.Schwerter Quote on Gratitude

May this inspiring quote of Albert Schwerter together with this inspirational wallpaper remind us to thank the people who have lit our dying flame. ^^

Inspirational Wallpaper with Eric Butterworth Quote on Life

Most of us are in a hurry, unable to see the beauty of life and the ways it can change us to be better. May this Eric Butterworth life quote on this inspirational wallpaper remind us to grow through life, not go through it.

Inspirational Wallpaper with Winston Churchill Quote on Optimism

The tree on the rock in this desktop inspirational wallpaper is a perfect analogy of 'an optimist who sees the opportunity in every difficulty' mentioned by Winston Churchill. May we all learn from this inspirational quote and grow to be like this tree.

Inspirational Wallpaper with R.W.Emerson Quote on Originality

Ralph Waldo Emerson has a point. We should learn from his quote on this desktop background. Let's stop following other people's trail. Let's make our own. This inspirational desktop wallpaper hopes to awaken the originality within us all.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

American Bulldog happy and Friendly Dogs

American Bulldog happy and Friendly DogsAmerican Bulldog happy and Friendly Dogs

American Bulldog Strongly DogsAmerican Bulldog Strongly Dogs

American Bulldog PictureAmerican Bulldog Picture

Alpine Dachsbracke Beauty Small Dogs

Alpine Dachsbracke Beauty Small DogsAlpine Dachsbracke Beauty Small Dogs

Alpine Dachsbracke Good Companion DogsAlpine Dachsbracke Good Companion Dogs

Alpine Dachsbracke Funny PuppyAlpine Dachsbracke Funny Puppy

Alaskan Malamute Top Dog Breeds

Alaskan Malamute Top Dog BreedsAlaskan Malamute Top Dog Breeds

Alaskan Malamute PhotoAlaskan Malamute Photo

Alaskan Malamute PuppiesAlaskan Malamute Puppies